Improvement through education & networking

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The CWRT Congress relies solely on donations to provide services to Civil War enthusiasts. That includes helping Civil War Round Tables in every state make the most of the opportunities for them to become sustainable. Having the flexibility to take on the unknown is why we have an Annual Fund.

CWRTC is all about helping CWRTs to be ready for preparing history enthusiasts for new challenges and opportunities. We conduct research, host conferences and workshops, publish proven practices, and launch initiatives to stay ahead of the curve. 

Your support makes all that possible. Your contribution, big or small, fuels our ability to adapt and serve you better. With your support, we’re gearing up for even more exciting projects this year.

Can we count on you? Even a $10 donation can make a huge difference. Let’s keep Civil War history thriving!  Thanks for being part of our journey.

Warm regards,
Mike Movius, President
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