Tennessee Valley CWRT |
Huntsville |
AL |
https://tvcwrt.org/ |
Mobile Area CWRT |
Mobile |
AL |
North Alabama CWRT |
Tuscumbia |
AL |
The Alabama CWRT |
Vestavia Hills |
AL |
http://www.civilwaralabama.org/ |
Bella Vista CWRT |
Bella Vista |
AR |
CWRT of Hot Springs Village |
Hot Springs Village |
AR |
CWRT of Arkansas |
Little Rock |
AR |
American CWRT of Queensland |
Belmont |
AU |
acwrtq.net.au |
American CWRT of Australia |
Richmond |
AU |
https://www.acwrta.com/ |
Scottsdale CWRT |
Scottsdale |
AZ |
https://www.scottsdalecwrt.org/ |
Sun City & Surprise CWRT |
Sun City West |
AZ |
Tucson CWRT |
Tucson |
AZ |
https://tucsoncivilwarroundtable.com/ |
Confederate Historical Association of Belgium |
Woluwe-Saint-Lambert - 1200 Brussels |
BE |
www.chab-belgium.com |
Sacramento CWRT |
Citrus Heights |
CA |
http://www.sacramentocwrt.com/ |
San Joaquin Valley CWRT |
Clovis |
CA |
http://www.sjvcwrt2.com/ |
South Bay CWRT |
Cupretino |
CA |
http://www.sbcwrt.org/ |
Elk Grove CWRT |
Elk Grove |
CA |
http://www.elkgrovecwrt.org/ |
CWRT of Orange County |
Garden Grove |
CA |
https://sites.google.com/view/cwrtoc/home |
Los Angeles CWRT |
Los Angeles |
CA |
https://www.lacwrt.org/ |
Pasadena CWRT |
Pasadena |
CA |
http://pasadenacwrt.org/ |
Inland Empire CWRT |
Redlands |
CA |
http://www.inlandempirecwrt.org |
Peninsula CWRT |
Redwood City |
CA |
http://www.peninsulacivilwarroundtable.org/ |
San Diego CWRT |
San Diego |
CA |
https://sandiegocwrt.org |
Civil Warriors of West San Fernando Valley |
West Hills |
CA |
http://www.civilwarriors-wsfv-ca.org/ |
CWRT of Fort Collins |
Fort Collins |
CO |
Rocky Mountain CWRT |
Littleton |
CO |
http://rmcwrt.blogspot.com/ |
Shoreline CWRT |
Old Saybrook |
CT |
CWRT of Wilmington |
Claymont |
DE |
Central Delaware CWRT |
Wyoming |
DE |
Miami CWRT |
Miami |
FL |
Greater Orlando CWRT |
Orlando |
FL |
Pensacola CWRT |
Pensacola |
FL |
Sarasota CWRT |
Sarasota |
FL |
http://sarasotacwrt.yolasite.com/ |
Tampa Bay CWRT |
Tampa |
FL |
http://www.tampabaycivilwarroundtable.com |
Villages Civil War Study Group |
The Villages |
FL |
TheVillagesCivilWarClub (vcwsg.club) |
Venice CWRT |
Venice |
FL |
Venice Civil War Round Table (google.com) |
The 19th Century American History Round Table |
West Palm Beach |
FL |
http://civilwarroundtablepalmbeach.org/ |
CWRT of Atlanta |
Atlanta |
GA |
http://www.civilwarroundtableofatlanta.org/ |
Northeast Georgia CWRT |
Lawrenceville |
GA |
CWRT of Cobb County |
Marietta |
GA |
http://www.cobbcwrt.org/ |
Washington CWRT |
Washington |
GA |
https://madmimi.com/s/8103401 |
Hawaii CWRT |
Honolulu |
HI |
Cedar Valley CWRT |
Cedar Falls |
IA |
http://www.cvcwrt.org/ |
Des Moines CWRT |
Urbandale |
IA |
http://www.dmcivilwar.com/ |
Lincoln-Davis CWRT |
Alsip |
IL |
Northern Illinois CWRT |
Arlington Heights |
IL |
http://www.northernilcwrt.org/ |
Kankakee Valley CWRT |
Bradley |
IL |
http://www.mobile96.com/cw1/KankakeeRT.html |
Ward Hil Lamon CWRT |
Danville |
IL |
Macoupin County CWRT |
Girard |
IL |
None |
Salt Creek CWRT |
Glen Ellyn |
IL |
https://saltcreekcwrt.org/ |
South Suburban CWRT |
Mokena |
IL |
https://www.southsuburbancwrt.com/ |
The Chicago CWRT |
Oakbrook Terrace |
IL |
https://www.chicagocwrt.org/home.html |
Starved Rock CWRT |
Ottawa |
IL |
Tri-State CWRT |
Quincy |
IL |
Rock River Valley CWRT |
Rockford |
IL |
Springfield CWRT |
Springfield |
IL |
McHenry County CWRT |
Woodstock |
IL |
Monroe County (IN) CWRT |
Bloomington |
IN |
http://www.mccwrt-in.org/ |
Hamilton County CWRT |
Carmel |
IN |
Northwest Indiana CWRT |
Crown Point |
IN |
None |
Southern Indiana CWRT |
Evansville |
IN |
http://sicwrt.blogspot.com/ |
CWRT of Northeast Indiana |
Fort Wayne |
IN |
https://civilwarroundtableofnei.wordpress.com/ |
Jefferson County (IN) CWRT |
Hanover |
IN |
None |
Indianapolis CWRT |
Indianapolis |
IN |
http://www.indianapoliscwrt.org// |
CWRT of Kansas City |
Overland Park |
KS |
https://cwrtkc.org/ |
CWRT of Eastern Kansas |
Topeka |
KS |
None |
Kentucky CWRT |
Lexington |
KY |
https://kycivilwarroundtable.org/ |
Louisville CWRT |
Louisville |
KY |
http://louisvillecwrt.yolasite.com/ |
Madison County CWRT |
Richmond |
KY |
Baton Rouge CWRT |
Baton Rouge |
LA |
https://www.brcwrt.com/ |
New Orleans CWRT |
Metarie |
LA |
CWRT of Central Louisiana |
Pineville |
LA |
Olde Colony CWRT |
Dedham |
MA |
https://www.occwrt.org/ |
East Bridgewater CWRT |
East Bridgewater |
MA |
General Lander CWRT |
Lynn |
MA |
https://garlynn.org |
New Bedford CWRT |
New Bedford |
MA |
https://newbedfordcwrt.org/ |
CWRT of the Merrimack |
Salisbury |
MA |
www.cwrtmerrimack.org |
Chesapeake CWRT |
Arnold |
MD |
https://www.ccwr.net/ |
Frederick County CWRT |
Frederick |
MD |
http://frederickcountycivilwarrt.org/ |
Montgomery County (MD) CWRT |
Gaithersburg |
MD |
http://www.mccivilwar.org/ |
Hagerstown CWRT |
Hagerstown |
MD |
https://sites.google.com/view/hagerstowncwrt/home |
Allegany County CWRT |
Lavale |
MD |
Southern Maryland CWRT |
Newburg |
MD |
https://somdcwrt.org/ |
Baltimore CWRT |
Parkville |
MD |
https://bcwrt.nalweb.net/ |
Pipe Creek CWRT |
Westminster |
MD |
pipecreekroundtable.org |
Joshua L. Chamberlain CWRT |
Brunswick |
ME |
http://joshuachamberlainroundtable.com |
Michigan Regimental CWRT |
Farmington |
MI |
http://history.farmlib.org/mrrt/ |
Grand Rapids CWRT |
Grand Rapids |
MI |
http://www.grcwrt.com/index.html |
Kalamazoo CWRT |
Kalamazoo |
MI |
http://www.kcwrt.com/ |
Abraham Lincoln CWRT |
Plymouth |
MI |
http://www.alcwrt.org/ |
Israel B. Richardson CWRT |
Rochester Hills |
MI |
http://www.richardsoncwrt.org/ |
CWRT of Southwest Michigan |
St. Joseph |
MI |
https://cwrtswmi.org/ |
Ann Arbor CWRT |
Ypsilanti |
MI |
https://www.aacwrt.org/ |
Albert Lea CWRT |
Albert Lea |
MN |
Twin Cities CWRT |
Bloomington |
MN |
https://tccwrt.com/ |
The War Studies Group |
East Grand Forks |
MN |
https://npcwrt.wordpress.com/ |
Litchfield GAR CWRT |
Litchfield |
MN |
https://www.meekercomuseum.org/civil-war-roundtable |
Minnesota Valley CWRT |
New Ulm |
MN |
Cannon Valley CWRT |
Northfield |
MN |
https://www.cannonvalleycivilwarroundtable.org/ |
Rochester CWRT |
Rochester |
MN |
https://www.rochestercivilwarroundtable.com/ |
Central Minnesota CWRT |
St. Cloud |
MN |
http://stearns-museum.org/civil-war-roundtable |
Hiawatha Valley CWRT |
Winona |
MN |
https://hiawathavalleycivilwarroundtable.webs.com/ |
Cape Girardeau CWRT |
Cape Girardeau |
MO |
Mid-Missouri CWRT |
Columbia |
MO |
CWRT of Western Missouri |
Independence |
MO |
http://www.cwrtwm.org/ |
John Knox Village CWRT |
Lee's Summit |
MO |
None |
South Central Missouri CWRT |
Saint Robert |
MO |
CWRT of the Ozarks |
Springfield |
MO |
http://cwrtozarks.tripod.com/ |
CWRT of Saint Louis |
St Louis |
MO |
https://civilwarstlmo.org/ |
CWRT of Saint Charles County |
St. Charles |
MO |
Jackson Mississippi CWRT |
Jackson |
MS |
Kinston-Lenoir County CWRT |
Kinston |
NC |
http://www.historicalpreservationgroup.org/ |
Cape Fear CWRT |
Midtown Wilmington |
NC |
http://cfcwrt.org/ |
Brunswick CWRT |
Oak Island |
NC |
http://brunswickcivilwarroundtable.com/ |
Raleigh CWRT |
Raleigh |
NC |
http://www.raleighcwrt.org/ |
Rufus Barringer CWRT |
Southern Pines |
NC |
Western North Carolina CWRT |
Waynesville |
NC |
http://wnccwrt.blogspot.com/ |
NC |
http://obxrebel.tripod.com/ |
CWRT of Nebraska |
Lincoln |
NE |
http://civilwarneb.net/index.html |
CWRT of New Hampshire |
Epping |
NH |
www.cwrt-nh.org |
Old Baldy CWRT |
Cherry Hill |
NJ |
http://www.oldbaldycwrt.org/ |
Camp Olden CWRT & Museum |
Hamilton Township |
NJ |
https://www.campolden.org/ |
Phil Kearny CWRT |
Hasbrouck Height |
NJ |
http://www.philkearnycwrt.org/ |
Colonel Henry Ryerson CWRT |
Newton |
NJ |
https://www.ryersoncwrt.org/ |
Cape May County CWRT |
Stone Harbor |
NJ |
The Civil War Roundtable of Cape May County (cmccwrt.com) |
Jersey Shore CWRT |
Toms River |
NJ |
http://jscwrt.org/ |
North Jersey CWRT |
NJ |
Nassau County CWRT |
Bellmore |
NY |
Buffalo CWRT |
Buffalo |
NY |
https://buffalocivilwar.com/ |
North Country CWRT |
Canton |
NY |
North Shore CWRT |
Huntington |
NY |
Ulster County CWRT |
Kingston |
NY |
CWRT of New York |
New York City |
NY |
https://www.cwrtnyc.org/ |
Genessee Valley CWRT |
Pavillion |
NY |
Capital District CWRT |
Watervliet |
NY |
https://capitaldistrictcivilwar.org/ |
Dan Sickles CWRT |
White Plains |
NY |
https://www.dansicklescwrt.com |
General Charles H. Grosvenor CWRT |
Athens |
OH |
https://grosvenor-cwrt.org/ |
Southeastern Ohio CWRT |
Cambridge |
OH |
http://www.seocwrt.org/index.htm |
Mahoning Valley CWRT |
Canfield |
OH |
https://mahoningvalleycwrt.com/ |
Tuscarawas Valley CWRT |
Dover |
OH |
Quincy Gillmore CWRT |
Elyria |
OH |
http://quincygillmorecwrt.blogspot.com/ |
Cincinnati CWRT |
Evendale |
OH |
CincinnatiCivilWarRoundtable.com |
Central Ohio CWRT |
Gahanna |
OH |
https://centralohiocwrt.wordpress.com/ |
Stark County CWRT |
Greentown |
OH |
Hamilton (OH) CWRT |
Hamilton |
OH |
Cleveland CWRT |
Independence |
OH |
http://clevelandcivilwarroundtable.com/ |
Kent Civil War Society |
Kent |
OH |
https://www.kentcivilwar.org/ |
CWRT of the Mid-Ohio Valley |
Marietta |
OH |
https://www.cwrtmov.org/ |
James A. Garfield CWRT |
Mayfield Village |
OH |
https://www.jamesagarfieldcwrt.org/ |
Miami Valley CWRT |
Oakwood |
OH |
None |
Northeast Ohio CWRT |
Wickliffe |
OH |
http://neocwrt.org/ |
Wayne County CWRT |
Wooster |
OH |
Columbus Barracks CWRT |
Worthington |
OH |
Zanesville CWRT |
Zanesville |
OH |
Oklahoma City CWRT |
Oklahoma City |
OK |
CWRT of Greater Kingston |
Kingston |
ON |
http://cwrtkingston.phpwebhosting.com/ |
Ottawa CWRT |
Nepean |
ON |
http://cwrtottawa.ca/ |
Toronto CWRT |
Toronto |
ON |
http://www.civilwarpodcast.com |
Dodds-Edwards CWRT |
Portland |
OR |
https://www.pdx.edu/foh/decwrt |
Greater Pittsburgh CWRT |
Allison Park |
PA |
http://www.grpghcwrt.com/ |
Western Pennsylvania CWRT |
Ambridge |
PA |
http://www.wpacwrt.org/ |
Central Pennsylvania CWRT |
Boalsburg |
PA |
CWRT of Eastern Pennsylvania |
Breinigsville |
PA |
http://www.cwrteasternpa.org/ |
Cumberland Valley CWRT |
Chambersburg |
PA |
https://cvcwrt.wordpress.com/ |
Bucks County CWRT |
Doylestown |
PA |
https://www.civilwarmuseumdoylestown.org/ |
Erie CWRT |
Erie |
PA |
Brandywine Valley CWRT |
Exton |
PA |
http://bvcwrt.org/ |
First Defenders CWRT of Berks County |
Fleetwood |
PA |
http://firstdefenderscwrt.us/ |
Armstrong CWRT |
Freeport |
PA |
CWRT of Gettysburg |
Gettysburg |
PA |
http://www.cwrtgettysburg.org |
Camp Curtin Historical Society & CWRT |
Harrisburg |
PA |
https://www.campcurtin.org/ |
Hershey CWRT |
Harrisburg |
PA |
https://www.hersheycwrt.org/ |
Aughwick CWRT |
Huntingdon |
PA |
http://huntingdonhistory.org/links/aughwick-civil-war-roundtable/ |
Kennett Square Civil War Discussion Group |
Kennett Square |
PA |
Lancaster CWRT |
Lititz |
PA |
https://lancastercivilwarroundtable.org |
Mercer CWRT |
Mercer |
PA |
http://mchspa.org/mercer-county-civil-war-roundtable/ |
Montegomery County (PA) CWRT |
Norristown |
PA |
Charles Izard Maceuen CWRT |
Philadelphia |
PA |
Shippensburg Area CWRT |
Shippensburg |
PA |
Harrisburg CWRT |
Summerdale |
PA |
https://harrisburgcwrt.org/ |
Delaware Valley CWRT |
Trevose |
PA |
http://www.dvcwrt.org/home.html |
York White Rose CWRT |
York |
PA |
https://yorkblog.com/cannonball/york-cwrt/ |
Rhode Island CWRT |
Cranston |
RI |
www.ricwrt.com |
Lowcountry CWRT |
Bluffton/Hilton Head |
SC |
http://lcwrt.squarespace.com/ |
Fort Sumter CWRT |
Charleston |
SC |
Chickamauga-Chattanooga CWRT |
Chattanooga |
TN |
None |
Clarksville CWRT |
Clarksville |
TN |
https://clarksvillecivilwar.wordpress.com/ |
Cumberland Mountain CWRT |
Crossville |
TN |
None |
Franklin CWRT |
Franklin |
TN |
http://www.franklinscharge.com/round-table/ |
Tri-Cities CWRT |
Kingsport |
TN |
None |
Knoxville CWRT |
Knoxville |
TN |
https://kcwrtorg.wordpress.com/ |
Nashville CWRT |
Nashville |
TN |
https://nashvillecivilwarroundtable.wordpress.com/ |
Austin CWRT |
Austin |
TX |
None |
Fort Worth CWRT |
Fort Worth |
TX |
http://www.fortworthcwrt.com/ |
North Central Texas CWRT |
Granbury |
TX |
http://www.ncentexcwrt.com/ |
Houston CWRT |
Houston |
TX |
http://www.houstoncivilwar.com/ |
American CWRT (UK) |
London |
UK |
http://www.acwrt.org.uk |
Old Town Alexandria CWRT |
Alexandria |
VA |
None |
CWRT of the District of Columbia |
Arlington |
VA |
Bull Run CWRT |
Centreville |
VA |
http://bullruncwrt.org/ |
Charlottesville CWRT |
Charlottesville |
VA |
http://charlottesvillecwrt.org/ |
CWRT of Fredericksburg |
Fredericksburg |
VA |
http://cwrtf.org/Home |
Rappahannock Valley CWRT |
Fredericksburg |
VA |
http://www.rappvalleycivilwar.org |
Shenandoah Valley CWRT |
Harrisonburg |
VA |
http://svcwrt.org |
Loudoun County CWRT |
Leesburg |
VA |
https://lccwrt.wordpress.com |
Lynchburg CWRT |
Lynchburg |
VA |
None |
Petersburg CWRT |
Petersburg |
VA |
https://petersburgcwrt.com/ |
Powhatan CWRT |
Powhatan |
VA |
http://www.powhatancwrt.com/ |
Richmond CWRT |
Richmond |
VA |
http://www.richmondcwrt.org/ |
Roanoke CWRT |
Roanoke |
VA |
https://www.roanokecwrt.com/ |
Hampton Roads CWRT |
Virginia Beach |
VA |
None |
Williamsburg CWRT |
Williamsburg |
VA |
http://www.wcwrt.org/ |
Green Mountain CWRT |
White River Junction |
VT |
Puget Sound CWRT |
Seattle |
WA |
https://pugetsoundcwrt.org |
Manitowoc County CWRT |
Manitowoc |
WI |
https://mtwccwrt.weebly.com/ |
Milwaukee CWRT |
Milwaukee |
WI |
http://www.milwaukeecwrt.org/ |
Waukesha CWRT |
Waukesha |
WI |
Harpers Ferry CWRT |
Harpers Ferry |
WV |
http://harpersferrycwrt.org/ |
West Virginia Mason-Dixon CWRT |
Morgantown |
WV |
http://www.wvmasondixoncwrt.org/ |
Stonewall Jackson CWRT |
Nutter Fort |
WV |
Ohio Valley CWRT |
Wheeling |
WV |
https://1stwvc.wixsite.com/ovcwr |
Kanawha Valley CWRT |
WV |