CWRT Recommended 5-Star Speakers
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Last Name | First Name | City | Phone | Topics | |
Allardice | Bruce | Darien, IL | 630-297-8046 | bsa1861@att.net | Early Base Ball and the Civil War, Various CW topics |
Bacha-Garza | Roseann | McAllen, TX | roseann.bachagarza@utrgv.edu | The Civil War on the Rio Grande | |
Barnickel | Linda | Nashville, TN | Milliken's Bend - Contact through website: http://www.millikensbend.com/contact/ | ||
Barr | Gene | Harrisburg, PA | 717-720-5469 | gbarr@pachamber.org | "A Civil War Caprain and his Lady"; Irish in the Civil War; The most stirring moments of the Civil War. |
Biggs | Greg | Clarksville, TN | biggsg@charter.net | Atlanta Campaign, Sherman's Logistics, Tullahoma Campaign, Fort Donelson, Western Theater CSA Strategy, Confederate Supply, CS battle flags and more. | |
Block | Michael | Williamsburg, VA | 540-272-6489 | michaeleblock@yahoo.com | The Battle of Cedar Mountain; The Battle of Brandy Station; The Battle of Rappahannock Station and Kelly's Ford (Nov. 1863); Civil War Culpeper County in Photographs and Drawing, with Commentary From Participants; Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson and the Defense of Richmond: July and August 1862; and Culpeper Civilian Experience and the Civil War. |
Blum | Edward | San Diego, CA | 619-309-8244 | eblum@sdsu.edu | Religion, race, and visual culture in the Civil War |
Bogar | Thomas | Silver Spring, MD | 301-910-6469 | thomasbogar2012@gmail.com | Backstage at the Lincoln Assasination: The Untold Story of the Actors and Stagehands at Ford's Theatre |
Borowick | Matthew | Monmouth Junction, NJ | 973-432-4374 | mbwick@comcast.net | “It’s the Economy, Stupid: How Northern Financial Decisions Won the Civil War” |
Bradley | Mark | Stafford, VA | markbrad1@peoplepc.com | Various NC topics | |
Brown | Pam | Springfield, IL | 217-691-7436 | mtlincoln1@gmail.com | Living Historian for Mary Lincoln - "Mary Lincoln's Memories", "Taking Leave" (Mary leaving the White House), "Now and Forever" (Mary preparing to leave for Ford's Theatre) and "The Ultimate Betrayal" (Mary is institutionalized) |
Browning | Judkin | Boone, NC | 828-262-6022 | browningjj@appstate.edu | An Environmental History of the Civil War (UNC Press, 2020); Reverberations of Battle: The 26th North Carolina vs. the 24th Michigan at Gettysburg on July 1, 1863 |
Buckland | Eric | Centreville, VA | 703-851-9088 | ebuckland@aol.com or info@mosbymen.com | An Introduction to Mosby’s Rangers, Life of John Singleton, Mosby’s Leadership, From Rockbridge to Loudoun, Golden Nuggets & Legacies, June 1863, Married to A Mosby Ranger, Mosby and Special Forces, Ranger Retaliation, Some of My Favorite Stories, Mosby’s Rangers – Playing Outside of The Box, Benjamin Franklin “Frank” Stringfellow, A Fiery Fall, Mosby’s Rangers vs. Cole’s Cavalry, Mosby’s Rangers – A Legacy of Success |
Cannon | Mark | Yucaipa, CA | 909-797-7456 | magicduo@cannonsgreatescapes.com | Lincoln’s Scout: The Diary of Horatio Cooke, Soldier, Spy, Escape Artist. Union Soldier Harry Cooke’s exploits including his commission as an “Lincoln Special Scout” by President Lincoln, escape from Mosby’s Guerrillas, witness to Lincoln’s assassination, later mentorship to Houdini and more. Author’s website contact info: www.cannonsgreatescapes.com |
Clarke | Francis | Sydney, Australia | (61) 468 716 701 | frances.clarke@sydney.edu.au | Boy soldiers and underage enlistment in the United States and the Confederacy; Union women, economic hardship, and relief for soldiers’ families |
Clemens | Thomas | antietam@verizon.net | “The New York ‘Iron Brigade"; "Lee's S.O. 191,Facts, Myths & Mysteries"; McClellan's HQ at Antietam, the actual location"; "Ezra Carman and the Antietam Battlefield." | ||
Coddington | Ron | Arlington, VA | 703-568-1616 | militaryimages@gmail.com | Military images |
Connon | David | Earlham, IA | 515-865-8574 | davidconnon523@gmail.com | 1 - Iowa Confederates in the Civil War; 2 - The Propaganda Campaign in Iowa during the Civil War; 3 - Josiah Bushnell Grinnell and the Iowa Underground Railroad |
Cox | John D. | Columbia Heights, MN | 612-562-2841 | johndcox43@comcast.net | Various CW topics |
Dammann | Doug | Kenosha, WI | 262-748-7592 | ddammann@kenosha.org | Kenosha Civil War Museum, Elmer Ellsworth & the U.S. Zouave Cadets |
Davis | Stephen | Cumming, Ga | 404-735-8447 | steveatl1861@yahoo.com | Various Atlanta Campaign topics |
Dixon | David | Santa Barbara, CA | 805 698 3901 | davedixonhistory@gmail.com | The Lost Gettysburg Address; Union General August Willich: Warrior for Social Justice; The Black Experience in Civil War Georgia; Augustus R. Wright of Georgia: Union Man and Confederate Turncoat; With God on our Side: Religion and Civil War Allegiance |
Donofrio | Peter | Reynoldsburg, OH | 740-919-0119 | pjdsocws@gmail.com | The Medical Advancements of the American Civil War; Ohio's Civil War Surgeon General (For Ohio only) |
Donovan | Kevin | Roanoke, VA | 973-508-8980 | kcd1861@gmail.com | Civil War & the Law topics, including: Court Martial of Fitz John Porter (Fair or Fixed?); the Lieber Code (U.S. rules governing the conduct of the war); 'The “Butterfly Effect”: How the Eighteenth-Century Kidnapping of A Free Black Man Led to the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act & the Civil War'; issues arising from the formal Opinions of the Confederate States Attorneys General. |
Dunkelman | Mark | Providence, RI | 401-369-0637 | nyvi154th@aol.com | Gettysburg's Unknown Soldier: The Life, Death and Celebrity of Amos Humiston; Adventures of a Civil War Historian |
Dunkerly | Robert | Richmond, VA | bd1754@yahoo.com | Surrenders of the Civil War, Railroads, Richmond Bread Riot, Brown's Island Explosion, Cold Harbor, Seven Days | |
Etcheson | Nicole | Muncie, IN | 765-285-8725 | netcheson@bsu.edu | Bleeding Kansas, the Crisis of the 1850s, the Midwest in the Civil War,Women and the Civil War, the Impact of the Civil War on Suffrage and other social and political topics and the Civil War |
Falci | Patrick | Up Came Hill: General A. Pl Hill at Antietam, Famous Generals and their War Horses, The Making of the Movie Gettysburg, and a variety of A. P. Hill topics. | |||
Fazio | John | Akron, OH | 330-576-6061 | fazioj60@gmail.com | Decapitating the Union: The Confederate Secret Service and the Plot to Destroy the United States Government; Causes of the Civil War; Francis and Arabella: John and Fanny: Love and War; Turning Point: The Wilderness and Spotsylvania; The Emancipation Proclamation; Intrepid Mariners; The Confederate Secret Service & the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln; The Great Kidnapping Myth; and The Vigilantes of Montana. |
Fields | Curt | Memphis, TN | 901-456-6065 | curtfields@generalgrantbyhimself.com | Living Historian for U. S. Grant |
Flagel | Thomas | Franklin, TN | 319-538-1829 | trflagel@yahoo.com | War, Memory and the 1913 Gettysburg Reunion |
Foote | Lorien L. | College Station, TX | 501-733-1357 | lfoote@tamu.edu | Prisoners of War, Soldiers, Dogs, Campaigns in South Carolina & Florida |
Gabriele | Ron | Catskill, NY | 518-943-6939 | rahobby3@gmail.com | How an 80-year old Widow of a Confederate General Helped Build B-29s During WWII or The 2nd Battle of Gettysburg |
Gindlesperger | Jim | Johnstown, PA | 814-255-7984 | civwarbooks@gmail.com | Libby Prison Escape, CSS Alabama/USS Kearsarge battle, Gettysburg Monuments, Antietam Monuments, Arlington National Cemetery, Gettysburg Field Hospitals, Civil War Medicine |
Girardi | Rob | Chicago, IL | 773-319-3508 | cvlwarguy@aol.com | Various CW topics |
Goddard | Leslie | Darien, IL | 630-796-9916 | l-goddard@ATT.net | Louisa May Alcott, Mary Chesnut, Clara Barton & "Gone With the Wind" |
Goetz | David | Amissville, VA | 540-351-6073 | mosbyman@infionline.net | Ever the Gray Ghost: Colonel John Singleton Mosby & the Lincoln Conspiracy; and Hell is Being a Republican in Virginia: The Postwar Relationship Between John Singleton Mosby and Ulysses S. Grant |
Gooch | Cheryl Renée | Wilmington, DE | 770-490-4477 | cgooch1880@comcast.net | "Hinsonville's Heroes: Black Civil War Soldiers of Chester County, Pennsylvania" |
Gottfried | Brad | Fairfield, PA | 862-268-5576 | bradgottfried@yahoo.com | Point Lookout Prisoner of War Camp; Overview of Civil War campaigns using maps as guides; Gettysburg/Antietam topics |
Graber | Mark | Silver Spring, MD | 301-588-0119 | MGraber@law.umaryland.edu | All legal or constitutional issues relative to the Confederacy and Union, immediately before, during and immediately after the Civil War. |
Gwynne | SC "Sam" | Austin, TX | 512-413-8131 | scgwynne@gmail.com | Stonewall Jackson; The Last Year of the War |
Harding | Jeffrey | Selbyville, DE | JFoster2@arcadiapublishing.com | Licensed Battlefield Guide at Gettysburg National Military Park; “Finding Kate,” Gettysburg’s Lost Love Story - The Ill-Fated Romance of General John Reynolds and Kate Hewitt; The Weather During the Battle of Gettysburg - Humidity, Dew Point and Heat Index Discovered- “Pickett’s Charge - “A Perfect Storm of Heat”; Leadership Lessons from the Battle of Gettysburg, The Battle of Gettysburg & The Battle of Midway – Six Remarkable Similarities;” Monument of the 78th & 102nd NY at Gettysburg “On the Path of History - A Monumental History;" U.S. Navy Connections to the Battle of Gettysburg “Anchors Aweigh…At Gettysburg;” General Henry Hayes Lockwood and his Brigade, at Gettysburg; and 1st Lt. Bayard Wilkeson, 4th U.S. Artillery at Gettysburg. | |
Harriel | Shelby | Poplarville, MS | shar_14_22@yahoo.com | Women soldiers https://sites.google.com/view/shelbyharriel | |
Herman | Lynn & Julianne | State College, PA | 814-880-22272 | lherman77@comcast.net | Tragedy in Lawrenceville, PA - The Allegheny Arsenal Explosion, Civil War in the Far West, The New Mexico Campaign, the Battle of Glorieta Pass, and Civil War Florida |
Hessler | James | Gettysburg, PA | custer7@comcast.net | Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide and published author - Gettysburg- including Dan Sickles, Peach Orchard, Pickett’s Charge, George Custer, East Cavalry Field. | |
Hewitt | Larry | Chicago, IL | 773-750-5710 | lawrence.hewitt@gmail.com | Trans-Mississippi; Port Hudson; Myths & Mythmakers of the Civil War; How Lincoln won the War; Lee's finest hour; Fighting Dick Anderson; Slandered Heroes & Deserters Who Didn't; Braxton Bragg & David G. Farragut. |
Hlavaty | Raylene | Jeromesville, OH | 419-651-9864 | raylene98b@aol.com | Civil War women in character www.timelessvoicesohio.com |
Hunt | Jeff | Austin, TX | 512-934-4059 | cptjeff36@gmail.com | Meade and Lee After Gettysburg; Meade and Lee at Bristoe Station; Meade and Lee at Rappahannock Station |
Jacobson | Eric | Spring Hill, TN | (615) 786-1864 | eric@boft.org | Franklin/Nashville |
Jordan | Brian M. | Houston, TX | 936-294-4460 | bmj018@shsu.edu | Union Veterans, Regimental Histories, Reconstruction, Maryland Campaign, Ethnic Regiments, Civil War Memory |
Jorgensen, Jr. | John | Henderson, NV | (732) 778-8469 | john.jorgensen1984@gmail.com | The Southern War Against the Confederacy: Unionism in the Seceding States; The Empires Strike Back: The Civil War, Mexico, and European Colonialism in North America" |
Kahan | Paul | Ardmore, PA | (610) 436-9600 ex. 207 | paul@paulkahan.com | "Amiable Scoundrel: Simon Cameron, Lincoln's Scandalous Secretary of War; The Presidency of Ulysses S. Grant: Preserving the Civil War's Legacy; Doughface: The Life and Times of James Buchanan, America's Worst President." |
Kaminski | Theresa | Stevens Point, WI | misstk23@gmail.com | Dr. Mary Walker's Civil War: One Woman's Journey to the Medal of Honor | |
Kemp | Ben | Saratoga Springs, NY | 518-538-8830 | ben@grantcottage.org | General Grant & Mt. McGregor, A Veteran Speaks: Oscar Kemp of the 115th NY and the Grand Army, Grant & Twain: Authors & Friends, A Compensating Generosity (related to the book Grant at 200), A Yankee Galvanized Yankee: The Man Who Fought on Both Sides of the Civil War, The Peacemaker, U.S. Grant: A Man of War with a Heart for Peace, Growing Up on the Frontlines: The Civil War Memories of Fred Grant (Some presentations can be offered as living history performances). |
Kirschner | Michael | Blacksburg, VA | 425.890.0180 | kirschnermk@comcast.net | The Man Who Fought on Both Sides of the Civil War, The Peacemaker, U.S. Grant: A Man of War with a Heart for Peace, Growing Up on the Frontlines: The Civil War Memories of Fred Grant (Some presentations can be offered as living history performances). |
Knights | James | Pittsburgh, PA | jjknights@jjknights.com | Female Soldiers in the Civil War & Canadian Soldiers in the Civil War | |
Knudsen | Harold | Alexandria, VA | 703-597-5957 | james.longstreet@hotmail.com | General James Longstreet: The Confederacy's Most Modern General; The 1864 Schleswig-Holstein War; Secesion Threats; and Union Sentiments in the Early Republic |
Kolakowski | Chris | Madison WI | 757-441-2965 | bayman515@netscape.net | The Kentucky Campaign, The war in Middle Tennessee (Stones River, Tullahoma, etc.), War in the East, War at sea, Military Leadership, Civil War to Wrold War: The MacArthurs & the Buckners, & Others topics will be considered. |
Levin | Kevin | Boston, MA | kevinmlevin95@gmail.com | The Black Confederate Myth, Battle of the Crater, Civil War Monuments | |
Lewis | James | Reston, VA | 703-620-2956 | antietam1862@verizon.net | The Consummate Citizen-Soldier: Charles Russell Lowell, Jr." or JEB Stuart's "No More Difficult Achievement" or Sunstroke and Ankle Deep Mud - Presents with Brian McEnany |
Lowe | Ed | Chattanooga, TN | 573-855-3395 | robert.edward.lowe@gmail.com | Gettysburg, Longstreet's First Corps, the 1864 Election, Overall Civil War Strategy |
Lubrecht | Peter | Newton, NJ | 973-727-1860 | olpete.lubrecht@gmail.com | General Carl Schurz; The Hysterical Tyrannical Booth Family; The New Jersy Butterfly Boys in the Civil War; and Civil War Chaplains. www.olpeteshistoryalive.com |
Mackowski | Chris | Fredericksburg, VA | 585-307-7572 | cmackows@sbu.edu | Emerging Civil War |
Magnusen | Steven | Indianapolis, IN | 847-525-6564 | magnusens@sbcglobal.net | Brevet Brigadier General Rufus Dawes of Marietta, Ohio: Heroic Leader in the Iron Brigade, and much more; Women of Commitment and Courage: The Cutler, Gates, and Dawes Ladies of Marietta, Ohio During the Civil War; and Major Ephraim Cutler Dawes - Outside of a Famous Brother's Shadow. |
Malanowski | Jamie | Briarcliff Manor, NY | 914-479-2772 | jamiemal@aol.com | Commander Will Cushing: Daredevil Hero of the Civil War; Six Men Who Could Have Stopped the ivil War |
Masich | Andrew | Pittsburgh, PA | 412-576-7138 | AEMasich@heinzhistorycenter.org | Civil War in the Southwest Borderlands; The Civil War in Arizona; Pittsburgh: Arsenal of the Union; Cheyenne Dog Soldiers |
Maxfield | Derek | Churchville, NY | 585-478-3753 | ddmaxfield@genesee.edu | Civil War Prison Camps; William Tecusmseh Sherman; Ulysses S. Grant; Victorian deathways |
May | Robert | Olympia, WA | mayr@purdue.edu | Escaping Slavery: Christmas and Fugitive Slaves; Lincoln, Douglas, the Myth of Western Expansion, and the Coming of the Civil War; Slavery, the Origins of the Confederacy, and Remembering Dixie; Lincoln's Scheme to Colonize Blacks in Latin America; I Neither Seek to Evade nor Assume Responsibility: Seward's April Fool's Bid to be | |
McCabe | Janet | Crofton, MD | 410-507-7309 | croftonmccabes@msn.com | Rufus Weaver & the Removal of Confederate Dead from Gettysburg; General James H. Lane: the Unsung Hero of Spotsylvania. |
McEnany | Brian | Vienna, VA | 703-734-1936 | bmcenany@cox.net | For Brotherhood & Duty: The Civil War History of West Point Class of 1862 or Sunstroke and Ankle Deep Mud - Presents with James Lewis |
McKnight | Brian | Big Stone Gap, VA | bdm2e@uvawise.edu | CW in Appalachia, Guerrilla warfare & other topics | |
Mesch | Allen | Plano, TX | a.mesch@verizon.net | “General C. F. Smith” | |
Mingus, Sr. | Scott | York, PA | 717-819-0588 | scottmingus@yahoo.com | Gettysburg, Antietam, Lousiana Tigers, Pennsylvania Railroads, Lincoln Funderal Train, Underground Railroad & Texans at Chickamauga. |
Morgan | Gary (I am a woman) | Western Massachusetts | garymorgan1861@gmail.com | Andersonville or Salisbury Prisons, particularly the Andersonville Raiders; the "Regulators" who are credited with the arrests and executions of the raiders; the guards at Andersonville; transportation accidents involving former Andersonville POWs, "citizen" (ie, non-military) prisoners, and/or points of interest at Andersonville National Cemetery | |
Motts | Wayne | Orrtanna, PA | Picketts Charge & everything Gettysburg. https://www.nationalcivilwarmuseum.org | ||
Mowday | Bruce | Downington, PA | mowday@mowday.com | Pickett's Charge: The Untold Story; J. Howard Wert's Gettysburg; & Unlikely Allies: Fort Delaware's Prison Community in the Civil War. www.mowday.com | |
Murray | Jennifer | Stillwater, OK | jen.murray@okstate.edu | Battle of Gettysburg, History of the Gettysburg Battlefield (On a Great Battlefield), George Gordon Meade | |
O'Connor | Bob | Charles Town, WV | 304-616-2763 | author@boboconnorbooks.com | John Brown at Harpers Ferry, The United States Colored Troops, Abraham Lincoln's bodyguard, Ward Hill Lamon, Brother fighting against brother, William and Wesley Culp, James Hanger -- Civil War's first amputee, The Missing Lincoln Conspirator -- Sarah Slater, Dennis Mahan -- Military Tactics instructor at West Point, Historical Impersonation of Ward Hill Lamon |
Orrison | Rob | Dumfries, VA | 703-431-2869 | Orrison76@hotmail.com | First/Second Manassas, Bristoe Station, Potomac Blockade 1861-1862, John S. Mosby |
Pawlak | Kevin | Manassas, VA | 585-880-0425 | 16kpawlak1829@gmail.com | Maryland Campaign, Bristoe Station, First/Second Manassas, John S. Mosby, John Brown's Raid |
Peatman | Jared | Vienna, VA | 571-425-0002 | jared@historyleadership.com | Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address, Twentieth Maine, Joshua Chamberlain, Post-War Lives of the Veterans |
Peck | Graham | Springfield, IL | 217-206-8683 | gpeck6@uis.edu | Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, and antebellum politics, including film screenings on those subjects with Q&A |
Pfarr | Cory | Fallston, MD | 410-456-0827 | cpfarr01@gmail.com | Lt. Gen. James Longstreet; Gettysburg; Antietam |
Plant | Rebecca Jo | San Diego, CA | 858-353-1941 | rjp@ucsd.edu | Boy soldiers and underage enlistment in the United States and the Confederacy; Union women, economic hardship, and relief for soldiers’ families |
Powell | Dave | Lake in the Hills, IL | 847-658-7539 | Chickamauga, Stuart at Gettysburg, Shiloh, Amy of the Cumberland, Army of Tennessee, Confederate Cavalry in the Western Theater | |
Powell | Mike | Southport, NC | 910-278-3545 | mikepowell260@gmail.com | African-Americans in the US Navy in the American Civil War |
Pula | James | Westville, IN | 219-448-3214 | jpula@pnw.edu | Chancellorsville & the Eleventh Corps. & Gettysburg |
Quarstein | John | Hampton Roads, VA | johnquarstein@gmail.com | USS Monitor, CSS Virginia, Peninsula Campaign, Civil War navies & other topics. https://www.monitorcenter.org | |
Rafuse | Ethan | Platte City, MO | ethan.s.rafuse.civ@mail.mil | Various topics | |
Remsen | Jim | Bala Cynwyd, PA | 610-660-9584 | remsenjim@gmail.com | "Embattled Freedom: Chronicle of a Fugitive-Slave Haven in the Wary North"; Underground Railroad; racial politics; U.S.C.T. |
Robinson | Michael D. | Daphne, AL | mrobinson@umobile.edu | Secession; Antebellum politics and the coming of the Civil War; Politics during the Civil War; and the Civil War in the border states. | |
Romaine | Stephen | Thoiry, France | 212-661-8102 (US Cell) | stromain123@icloud.com | Author Secret Army Behind Enemy Lines. Contribution to the war effort by the Richmond Spy Ring gathering intel passed across enemy lines to Union Leadership. Confederate clandestine operations run out of Toronto, secretly funded by millions in Confederate gold. Available for Zoom Meetings. |
Rosebrock | James | Maryland | (240) 422-9147 | pointsalines@yahoo.com | Antietam/Maryland Campaign, Civil War Regular Artillery |
Ross | Chuck | Farmville, VA | 434-395-2931 | rosscd@longwood.edu | Science, Technology and the Civil War; The Confederate Powder Works; Civil War Acoustic Shadows; The Bahamas and the Civil War |
Rossino | Alex | Boonsville, MD | 301-660-4265 | arossino@hotmail.com | Lee at Sharpsburg (defensive strategy and field presence on Sept. 17), Confederate Crossing points on the Potomac, Confederate encampments around Frederick, History of the Rebels on the march photograph in Frederick, Maryland 1862, Rebel/Marylander relations in September 1862, Lee's intent to incite rebellion in Maryland in 1862, George McClellan's handling of Lee's Lost Orders & Using fiction to explore Civil War as a subject. |
Rutherford | Ken | Harrisonburg, VA | rutherkr@jmu.edu | Landmines in the Civil War | |
Salecker | Gene | River Grove, IL | 708-453-2069 | gesalecker@aol.com | The Sultana Disaster; Cahaba Confederate Prison, Cahaba, AL; Nathan Bedford Forrest's September 1864 Railroad Raid |
Samia | Lisa | Avon, CT | 860-818-9222 | authorlisasamia@gmail.com | John Wilkes Booth and his sister Asia Booth Clarke "so runs the world away"; Asia Booth Clarke "Her Life in Letters and in Writings"; The Nameless and the Faceless of the Civil War; The Nameless and the Faceless Women of the Civil War |
Savas | Ted | El Dorado Hills, CA | 916-941-6896 | militarybooks@sbcglobal.net | Behind the Book: The War Outside My Window, a Publisher's Perspective; Sherman's Blunder: The Georgia Campaign and the Bypassing of the Augusta Powder Works; George Rains and the Augusta Powder Works; 22 Days of Terror: The CSS Arkansas; The Near-Catastrophic Confederate Defeat at the Battle of Payne's Farm (Mine Run), Nov. 27, 1863; Preparing the Weapons of War: Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln; and What Might Have Been: The Ironclads CSS North Carolina and Wilmington |
Scales | John | Huntsville, AL | 256-337-1444 | scalesjr@aol.com | Confederate Crossing points on the Potomac |
Schoen | Brian | Athens, OH | 740-593-4351 | schoen@ohio.edu | Confederate encampments around Frederick |
Schweinfurth | Bret | Franklin, PA | 503-341-4594 | WeDidForget@yahoo.com | Invalid Corps, Veteran Reserve Corps |
Sessums | Danny | Holly Lake Ranch, TX | 713-253-7345 | dannysessums@yahoo.com | History of the Rebels on the march photograph in Frederick, Maryland 1862 |
Shaffer | Michael | Kennesaw, GA | mkscdr11@gmail.com or mshaffe3@kennesaw.edu | Rebel/Marylander relations in September 1862 | |
Silkenat | David | Edinburgh, UK | david.silkenat@ed.ac.uk | Surrender (Ft. Sumter, Ft. Donelson, Vicksburg, Appomattox Courthouse, Bennett Place, etc.), Prisons, Refugees, Civil War in North Carolina. | |
Silver | Tim | Boone, NC | silverth@appstate.edu | Authors of An Environmental History of the Civil War (UNC Press, 2020) | |
Smith | Tim | Shiloh, TN | 731-646-1636 | tims@utm.edu | All manner of the Vickburg Campaign |
Symonds | Craig L. | 443-822-7014 | macsymonds@aol.com | Lincoln and the Problem of Slavery | |
Toler | Pamela | Chicago, IL | 773-643-4084 | pdtoler@sbcglobal.net | Author of "Heroines of Mercy Street"; From Unwanted to Indispensable: The Real Nurses of the Civil War. Pamela Toler tells the story of how thousands of women with little or no experience with nursing volunteered to serve their country during the Civil War, taught themselves how to do the job under adverse circumstance ( including hostility from the surgeons with whom they worked), and created a profession that did not exist before the war. |
Trollinger | William | Dayton, OH | 937-229-2827 | wtrollinger1@udayton.edu | Ku Klux Klan: From Nathan Bedford Forrest to Ohio's Klan in the 1920's |
Urschel | John | Mishawaka, IN | 574-229-6939 | michiganboysinblue@gmail.com | Colonel Orlando Moore and the 25th Michigan, Life After Andersonville Michigan POWs, many more Michigan and Indiana related |
Veit | Chuck | Boston, MA | 508-284-6061 | email@chuckveitbooks.com | US Navy's impact on the war and global politics; naval secret weapons; African-Americans in the Navy. http://www.chuckveitbooks.com |
Vignola | Victor | Johnson, NY | 845-551-4064 | vigny4@hotmail.com | "The May 31 - June 1, 1862, Battle of Fair Oaks and the Struggle for the Adams House"; "Benjamin Huger the scapegoat of Joseph Johnston & James Longstreet's failures in command at Seven Pines"; "Richmond, June 1862 after Seven Pines and moving toward the Seven Days" |
Vodrey | William | Cleveland, OH | 216-385-8511 | wfbvodrey@aol.com | Dennison, Tod & Brough: Ohio's Civil War Governors; Blood in the Streets: The New York City Draft Riots; Political Grave Robbery: The Confederacy and George Washington; The Gettysburg Address: Lincoln Redefines America ; What If...?: An Overview of Civil War Alternative Histories; Lee, Jackson and Longstreet: Traitors All?; Salmon P. Chase: From "Attorney General for the Runaway Slave" to Chief Justice; The Last Naval Duel: The U.S.S. Kearsarge vs. the C.S.S. Alabama; Brown Water, Black Ships: U.S. Navy Operations on the Mississippi; Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain: Scholar, Citizen, Soldier; Lincoln's Commando: William Cushing and the Sinking of the C.S.S. Albemarle; Clash of Ironclads: The U.S.S. Monitor vs. the C.S.S. Virginia ; The War that Never Was: Great Britain, the U.S. and the Trent Affair; Raid!: The Confederacy Comes to St. Albans, Vermont; The Lincoln You Thought You Knew (trivia quiz); Lincoln's Vice Presidents: Hamlin and Johnson ; William H. Seward and Civil War Diplomacy; Edwin M. Stanton, Buckeye Warlord; Father Neptune: Gideon Welles and the U.S. Navy in the Civil War; & The Battle of New Hope Church, GA. |
Weinberg | Daniel | Chicago, IL | 312-944-3085 | lincolnian@aol.com | "Richmond, June 1862 after Seven Pines and moving toward the Seven Days" |
White | Jonathan | Newport News, VA | jonathan.white@cnu.edu | Abraham Lincoln, the presidential election of 1864, civil liberties during the Civil War, dreams of the Civil War | |
Willen | Jon | Washington, DC | 818-587-2173 | cwsurgeon60@gmail.com | Civil War Medicine Primer; The Wounding and Death of Stonewall Jackson; Lincoln's First Responder, Dr. Charles Leale; Dr. Zabdiehl Boylston Adams, the only surgeon to have a monument on the Gettysburg battlefield, Simon Baruch, Confederate army surgeon left behind to care for the wounded a Antietam and Gettysburg; Custer's Surgeons: Little Big Horn battle care; Clara Barton: The Angel of the Battlefield; & The History of the Army Medical Museum. |
Williamson | Jeff | New Jersey | jjwilliamson73@gmail.com | Grave Revolution of the Civil War | |
Wills | Brian | Kennesaw, Ga | Bwills2@kennesaw.edu | Forrest, Thomas, and other topics | |
Winschel | Terry | 601-638-4074 | terrence_winschel@aol.com | Vicksburg | |
Wittenberg | Eric | Columbus, OH | 614-230-0670 | eric@cswcolpa.com | Cavalry operations |
Wolf | Wayne | Blue Island, IL | 708-203-7201 | wolf.wayne@sbcglobal.net | Life of a Common Soldier, Civil War First, Charles Gunther, Other topics |
Wooten | Jerry | Nashville, TN | 615-568-3149 | Jerry.Wooten@tn.gov | Johnsonville, TN (current book); Civil War in West Tennessee; War on the Tennessee River |
Wunderlich | George | San Antonio, TX | 240-707-0724 | Georgew091@gmail.com | Advancements in Medicine - How 1862 Changed the Modern World; The Medical legacy of the Antietam Campaign; Debunking the Myths of the Minnie Ball; Anecdotal Medicine?: Lifesaving Advancements without Scientific Proof: Civil War Medicine in the 21st Century |
Young | Carleton | Pittsburgh, PA | 412-889-8537 | 1cwyoung2@gmail.com | The story of two brothers in the celebrated Vermont Brigade of the Army of the Potomac based on a recently discovered collection of about 250 letters. |
Youhn | Susan | Hollywood, MD | 301-904-8110 | susan.youhn@hotmail.com | Medical Facilities at Point Lookout,MD; You Have No Idea What I Have Gone Through, Letters from Behind the Lines to Prisoners at Point Lookout, MD; The Lives of the General’s Wives – Julia Grant, Mary Lee, Maryanna Jackson and Almira Hancock; Dedicated Nurses Sometimes Fought Each Other; The Hospitals of Washington, D.C. During the Civil War; Nurses of the Civil War. |
Zaiser | Dana | Norton, MA | danazaiser@gmail.com | Money Alternatives | |
Zinn | John G. | Verona, NJ | 973-857-1028 | jzinn84@comcast.net | The 33rd New Jersey; New Jersey and the Civil War; Base Ball in the Civil War Era - New Jersey and more general; Portrait of a Civil War Marriage - based on the letters of William Lloyd of the 33rd New Jersey. |
Ziobro | Melissa | West Long Branch, NJ | 732-232-4819 | mziobro@monmouth.edu | Women in the Military |