Improvement through education & networking


The CWRT Congress developed the Sustainability Challenge to assist Round Tables in determining their individual pathways forward. There are ten modules to the Challenge. Every module plays an important role on the path to sustainability.

To download the Challenge, click the image or link below:

Watch the short video below to learn more about the Challenge.



Must all ten modules be completed before sending in the Submission Form?
Yes. CWRTs are asked to complete every module prior to forwarding their Submission Form.
Will there be a formal presentation?
The CWRT Congress may conduct informal and/or formal presentations. Expect them to occur after successful review of the Submission Form with the collaboration of the leadership of the CWRT.
Will successfully completing the Sustainability Challenge require the CWRT to attend an event?
We certainly would like recipient CWRTs to attend to receive recognition in person. But, it is not required.
How long will the Sustainability Challenge be available?
The Sustainability Challenge has no expiration. However, the sooner that it is completed, the better for your CWRT.
Can more than one person work on completing the submission form?
Yes, of course. The only caveat is that there is only one contact person per CWRT.
Can we save our entries and return to it later?
Yes. Just make sure that you save your work. Then, you can do that as many times as needed.
Is there a deadline for submission?
No, there is no deadline. However, it is preferable that the Challenge be completed within a year.
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